17 weeks have gone by without an update just mainly because a lot happened in the meanwhile and I could not keep up with updates.
But I managed to survive Eastern Québec’s Gaspésie with its mountains (not hills!) giving me a first taste of fixed gear climbing.
I got to experience The Laurentides, a Québec pride with more hills and climbing with gorgeous views
I rode into Montréal and after my short stay, I got a farewell that I will never forget…
I made it to Ottawa where my nephews welcomed me, which was touching.
I got some media coverage on CBC, a Canadian Radio/TV national channel
I visited friends in Gananoque and enjoyed a morning of boat rides.
I made it to Toronto, Canada’s most populated city and one of my favourite stops of The Big Journey so far (I am a big-city person).
After hitting the road a week or so later my bicycle and all belongings were stolen in Burlington, minutes after the photo below was taken.
This would change the course of my whole trip as I had to start from scratch. This is a story that I will tell in details one day but not anytime soon…
After three weeks, I was able to get back on the road with a new bike thanks to the generosity of friends and fans worldwide as well as companies that support my challenge.
My first ride with the new bike was to Niagara Falls
I turned 37 in August and returned to Toronto to celebrate with friends
I kept going and despite some saddle issues went all the way to Windsor close to Detroit.
So many people in Ontario came to ride along that I will be forever grateful! This is just a small example!
It started getting cooler despite the warm sun
I made new friends. After all I am a friendly person. I got a chance to tell them about my cross-country fixed gear bicycle challenge.
I rode into sunsets with a beautiful miss in Collingwood
I kept riding on and enjoying blue skies
I got to spend the night in styles of shelters that I have never experienced before but the sleep was as sweet as in a five-star hotel room.
But I also got to spend the night in lakeside cottages, a fine balance.
I got to cross paths in the middle of a forest with people on a big journey of their own.
I kept cycling North into Ontario’s least populated region and toward the part that connects East and West Canada
I ended the week in a little town called Espanola filled with the amazing people.
And for reasons that are a complete mystery to doctors, I found myself in an emergency room only to be discharged hours later feeling much better even though I really thought it was the end of me when I checked myself in.
I am writing this from a place where I have decided to take a few days to get back in top shape before hitting the road and cycling what may be the most difficult part of The Big Journey so far.
The good news is that I found time to update my blog so perhaps that what it had to take for me to get it done!
Hi Jabig!
Hope you are feeling better! I really enjoy your inspiring journey (and your music).
Good luck and safe journey!
Kind regards,
Roderick (the Netherlands)
Hello JaBig,
Thank you for the update! I have been listening to your mixes for about almost 4 years now! Thank you for all the music! I hope all goes well with the rest of your journey and glad that you are still with us.
With love/good vibes,
Ah, mon cher JaBig,
Je soupire d’aise, vraiment : un vrai soupir de soulagement.
Cela fait tellement de bien de te savoir à nouveau heureux et bien reparti heureux, en bonne santé et apaisé, dans ton grand voyage.
Car ton image dans ce lit d’hôpital fait vraiment tellement peur, et mal pour toi !
Une grande “déshydratation” : c’est sérieux un truc pareil !
Heureusement que tu as été bien soigné à “ESPAGNOLA” !
Un nom que tu n’est surement pas près d’oublier !
Et là, tu as du prier “Sainte RITA”, la patronne ESPAGNOLE ” des causes perdues”, justement, qui tire d’affaire les cas désespérés !
Bon, tu l’as échappée belle, comme on dit en France !
Mais il faut croire que l’Espagne te protège, aussi, désormais.
Il faudra que tu viennes faire un pèlerinage en Espagne, pour lui rendre grâce, à Sainte RITA, quand tu aura fini !
Heureusement, ce n’est plus qu’un souvenir difficile maintenant !
Je me doutais bien que cela n’allait pas pour toi, car toi, si communicatif, si gentil d’habitude, mais qui ne fait plus de “mises à jour” sur le Net : ce n’est pas dans tes habitudes et l’on peut craindre le pire pour toi !
Attention à la déshydratation, désormais, même par temps froid !
Il faut considérer que des ajustements soient nécessaires et consentir à modifier certaines donnes !
Par exemple, consacrer davantage de temps aux “ÉTAPES DE REPOS” !
C’est incontournable et indispensables.
Maintenant, l’expérience te l’aura enseigné cela aussi, entre autres !
Du début je te préconisais de prendre du temps pour la récupération !
Le corps n’est pas une “machine” : on peut lui demander beaucoup, mais ne dit-on pas en médecine que “LE CORPS A SES RAISONS QUE LA RAISON IGNORE ” !
Bon courage, mon JaBig, car je suis toujours en quête de tes nouvelles et de ton bien être !
Merci pour ton exemplarité, ton courage, ta belle présence dans la vie et sur cette belle Terre, et avec l’aide de la Foi, je sais, moi aussi que l’on peut “renverser des montagnes”, pour de belles causes !
Tant de gens t’admirent, t’aiment !
Courage, prend soin de toi et que le Bon Dieu te protège !